We fully embrace the traditional way of learning dance and adapt it into our teachings

Our weekly beginner class consist of adavus (basic step) and theory practice. On top of this, we will be introducing the talam and how to dance to different talam. Students are encouraged to do weekly practice on their own in addition to taking weekly classes.

In addition to the weekly course, there is also an intensive study program which includes subjects considered fundamental for the complete training of a dancer-actor of this style. Space will therefore be given to music, rhythm, literature and theoretical training.

Once the cycle has been completed, the student, in agreement with the teachers, and based on the specific situation (age, interests, studies carried out) will evaluate which path to take. You can continue your journey in India at twinned schools and institutes or prepare and present your own Arangetram (debut) either in India or in the US by inviting musicians from India, you can undertake teacher training, or you can continue your studies embracing a personalized path as a dancer.

Study trips to India and internships in the US with Indian masters are periodically organized twice a year, as well as Sanskrit language courses for dancers, music classes, nattuvangam, abhinaya and thematic conferences.

For children there are preparatory courses from 5 to 9 years and from 10 to 12. From 13 years onwards it is possible to attend the intensive course of the Academy where the classes will be mixed, however there is no age limit within which one to access.