Bharatanatyam Adavus and technical terms

The 3 speeds in Adavus

The Adavus are performed in three speeds which are also known as the ‘kalams’.

1st speed is also called Vilambita kalam

2nd speed is called Madhya kalam

3rd speed is called Druta kalam

What is Angashuddha, Layashuddha and Talashuddha?

There is a combination of the significance of the Adavus lies in the Angasuddha which means correct body posture, Layashuddha means in clear or right time, the Talashuddha which means the rhythm which is suited to the dance movements.

Adavus Names and Chollu

  • Tattu means striking. This is a series of Striking Adavus, the chollu goes “Teiya Tei“. This adavu series has 8 variations.

    Hasta used: Pataka

    Feet position: Araimandi

  • Nattu means to stretch, and this is a series of stretching adavus which introduces new positions such as back swastikam and prekhanna. This adavu series has 8 variations.

    Chollu: Teiyum Tat Tat Teiyum Tam (Taha)

    Hasta used are: Katakamukha, Pataka and alapadma, Tripataka

    Feet position used: swastikam, prekhanna, aindram, muzhumandi, araimandi

  • This is a series of traveling adavu.

    Chollu: Ta Tei Tei Ta, Dhit Tei Tei Ta

    Hasta Used: Dola, Katakamukha, Alapadma.

    Feet Position used: Back Swastikam, Araimandi, Samapaadam

  • Sutral Adavu or Murku Adavu is also known as Tat Tei Tam, there are 5 variations in this series.

    Chollu: Tat Tei Tam, Dhit Tei Tam, Tat Tei Tam, Dhit Dhit Tei.

    Hasta used: Shikharam, Alapadma, Katakamukha, Tripataka.

    Feet Position used: Prekhanna, Garuda mandalam, swastikam, kuncitam

  • This adavu series has 5 variations

    Chollu: Tat Tei Ta Ha, Dhit Tei Ta Ha

    Hasta used: Tripataka

    Feet position: Araimandi, Kunchitam

  • This adavu series has 4 variations. This series of Adavus involves jumping on your toes.

    Chollu: Tei Hat Tei Hi

    Hasta used: Katakamukha, alapadma,

    Feet Position: Kuncitam

  • This Series has 3 variations.

    Chollu: Tei Tei Dat Ta, Dhit Tei Dat Ta

    Hasta used: Katakamukha, Tripataka, Alapadma

    Feet Position (Paada Bheda): Araimandi, Prekhanna, Garuda Mandalam, Samapaada, Muzhumandi

  • There are 4 variations in this series.

    Chollu: Dhit teiyum Ta Ta Tei

    Hasta used: Alapadma, Katakamukha, Shikara, Suchi, Pataka

    Feet Position: Araimandi, Swastikam, Garuda Mandalam, Muzhumandi

  • In Tatti Mettu, the 5 jaathis are introduced.

    Chatursram- 4 beats (Ta ga Dhi Mi, Ta Ga Jhun Nu)

    Tisram: 3 beats (Ta gi ta)

    Kandam: 5 beats (Taga Tagita)

    Misram: 7 beats (Tagita tagadhimi or tagadhimi tagita)

    Sankeernam: 9 beats (Tagadhimi taga tagita)

    Feet Position: Alida, Pratyalida

  • This is a series adavus done in muzhumandi position.

    There are 2 variations in this series.

    Chollu: Tang Gita ta tat dhinna

    Hasta used: Tripataka, Alapadma, Katakamukha

    Feet position: Muzhumandi, Motita, Parsvasuchi, Garuda mandalam, Aindram

  • There is only one adavu in this series, this adavu is derived from martial arts movements.

    Chollu: Tang gita ta tat dhinna

    Feet position: Garuda mandalam

  • Karthari means scissors, this series only has one adavu.

    Chollu also falls under Tang gita ta tat dhinna

    Feet posotion: front swastikam

  • There are 2 variations in this adavu.

    Chollu: Tang gita ta tat dhinna

    Hasta used: Shikhara, Ardhachandra, katakamukha, Alapadma

    Feet Position: Muzhumandi, Garuda mandalam

  • This is a series of sliding adavus and has 4 variations.

    Chollu: Tei Ya Tei hi

    Hasta used: Pataka katakamukha

    Feet Position: Samapaada

  • This is the finishing adavus, it has 3 variations.


    Ta hata jam tari ta, jam tari jaka tari tei

    Tadhim gina dhom

    Kita taka tari kita dhom

    Hasta used: Pataka, Tripataka, alapadma, katakamukha

    Feet Position: Araimandi, Kuncita, Prekhanna, Swastika

Basic Feet Positions:

1. Sama: where the feet are in natural position joined together with the knees straight.

2. Parshwa: where the feet and knees are turned on the sides forming a horizontal line.

3. Tayasra: the feet are placed to form 'v' with the toes turned towards the corners.

4. Swastika: where the feet are crossed.

Feet Variations:

1. Kuttanam: Stamping the bhoomi with the sole, toe or heel.

2. Sarik: the feet move without being lifted.

3. Ancita: the toe or toes are held up while the heels rest on the bhoomi (ground).

4. Agratala Sancara: while the heel is raised the toes rest on the bhoomi.

5. Suci: one foot is on the ground in a normal position while the other has contact with the ground through the big toe.

6. Udghattita: the ground is stamped by the heel while the forefoot rests on the ground.

7. Kutta: the ground is stamped by the toes while the heel is raised.

8. Tadita: Holding the ground with the heel the forefoot stamps the ground.

9. Mardita: the sole rubs the ground.

10. Sakhalita: the foot is made to slip on the ground.


Banis in Bharatanatyam


The 9 Avatars of Maa Durga